Village History
The following chronological history of the Village of Millbrook is taken from a paper written by Andrew W. Monkemeyer, a Millbrook resident, for Concordia University Chicago in November 2010. The title of the paper is “Millbrook, Illinois - Village of History and Progress”. The Village and its residents are grateful to Andrew for his dedication and his talents in putting down on paper Millbrook’s history for all to read and enjoy. Andrew’s efforts in writing this paper are truly extraordinary and is appreciated by all those who call Millbrook their home. We thank him for allowing us to put a portion of his paper on our website for everyone’s enjoyment.
Jackie Kowalski, President Village of Millbrook.
Jackie Kowalski, President Village of Millbrook.
1835 - Isaac Grover, Pioneer, moved his family to present day Millbrook.
1837 - George B. Hollenbeck and Henry Elderding built a saw mill and then a grist mill in Millbrook. 1840's - Millbrook grew as new settlers obtained farm land. 1840 - First schoolhouse was built. 1841 - Kendall County was established. 1844 - The Budd family moved into the area from New York. 1849 - First Post Office was opened as the “Marshfield Post Office”. Millbrook became the official title of the town 20 years later. 1866 - The townspeople started using Millbrook as the official name of the town. Late 1860's - The process of constructing the railroad began through Jacob Budd’s property. 1870 - The Depot Building was brought to Millbrook 1871 - A small store was built to sell lumber. 1872 - Edward Budd built a factory where two pieces of farm equipment would be built and sold - Messenger Gopher (corn cultivator). January 1873 - Construction of a hotel along with the local drugstore began. |
1890 - A restaurant in Millbrook opened.
December 1894 - The Millbrook Cooperative Creamery Company was organized. February 2, 1888 - Millbrook’s first disastrous fire occurred because of an explosion of a can of gun powder in the hardware store. The Post office and hardware store burned down. October 11, 1899 - A second fire in Millbrook occurred. The entire business part of the town was destroyed by the fire. 1911 - The construction of a town hall for community events. July 10, 1913 - Millbrook Threshing Company was officially organized. 1914 - A two story school structure was constructed. 1921 - Millbrook Farmer’s State Bank opened its doors. 1951 - The train depot was removed. 1957 - The Winding Creek Nursery was opened by Ralph Perkins and sons. 1982 - The Foxhurst subdivision was established. 1990 - The Millbrook Grain Elevator closed its business. November 2, 2002 - Millbrook became incorporated. April 2003 - The first elections in Millbrook were held. |